Actually I would be interested to find the answer to this too as I have exactly the same problem. I have a.cue file for the game that isn't recognised by anything as a.cue file.
Does a Castlevania:Rondo of Blood rom exist for the PC Engine emu exist or am I simply searching in vain. All I can seem to find are.rar and sound files. Help me, I'm getting desprate. Castlevania Rondo of Blood VC (with English Patch) Discussion in ' Wii - Hacking ' started by XDel, Feb 21, 2013. By XDel Feb 21, 2013 at 8:57 PM 11,332 Views 0 Likes.
Not sure if its a borked copy or if the formats are screwed somehow? The filesize is correct so I'm presuming its a format rather than content issue. Particularly since I grabbed mine from a very reliable source for everything else. Its worth noting that all the other PCE - CD games I have have the exact same issue so I'm thinking its something we have to do with the files beforehand, as opposed to a problem with the files themselves. I had forgotten all about this after giving up a couple of months ago. You've rekindled my interest in getting it going again now though, so I've got some of my special winged emulation monkeys on the case as we speak. Will report back if I find a fix.
Its worth noting that all the other PCE - CD games I have have the exact same issue so I'm thinking its something we have to do with the files beforehand, as opposed to a problem with the files themselves.I haven't bothered testing all games, but Metamor Jupiter and Castlevania Rondo of blood extracts mountable files. When I looked through the files again I noticed that the 'cue' files contained references to wave files and *not* mp3's. Could this be a clue?
Do we need to convert the MP3's to waves? Could that be it?
Looking more closely I found this info in a text file. Damn, I thought I was going to beat you to the solution. Seem I was a few hours too late. However, I have only tried and solved one game so far and that just happens to be (insert fanfare here) Akumajou Dracula X Chi no Rondo. However, strangely enough the voice during the intro sequence seem to be german.?
The original problem was that Daemon tools couldn't handle MP3's, right? So I converted them (could have used your batch file there) to wave.
However, DTools was still complaining and the problem this time was that the sample rate was too low. So then I had to convert the files to 44.100 Hz (aka CD quality). I used Audacity for all these conversions by the way.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Note: For Winows 8 and Winodws 10 same software Indic Input 3 will be used. Vanavil avvaiyar tamil typing software free download. Instruction to Install Tamil Typing Software Step 1: Download the Tamil Typing Software From Link given Above Step 2: A file will download is a compressed file, extract the file with any zip opener like winzip or other software. For setting in system see help pdf. Step 3: After extracting the file you will find setup file.
After that my cue file, referencing wav files was accepted and the game played just fine in Ootake. Now, I want your batch files. Do you need anything from me? Ok I've managed to fix Dracula X (at least in part). I opened up the.cue with notepad and changed all the.mp3 MP3 entries to.wav WAVE. The game boots now and after some tinkering with the PCE.ini file I can get sound effects too.
Still no CD soundtrack or dialogue though. So I think I have a problem with the way my.ini is setup. When you get a minute would you copy and paste a copy of your PCE.ini file? Edit: I've managed to get it all running ok with Ootake so at least I know my sound files are ok. Now just got to try getting the CD Soundtrack working with Magic Engine.
Edit Again: All sorted now.
Necromancing this thread 'cos holy shiz this is a cool idea, and I can't wait to give it a whirl. I've been wanting to play the original game on a TV with the changes from the PSP version.
Hopefully some of the audio sync issues during cutscenes aren't replicated here. Edit: Dunno if it's the PCE.emu emulator on the Ouya or I goofed slightly on the patching, but the CD audio kind of glitches a little bit: whenever a track is about to play, you'll hear a very abrupt remnant of the previous track.
Dengan melakukan download software antrian gratis ini di Google Play Store. Maka anda bisa menikmati berbagai layanan antrian online dengan mudah lewat sentuhan jari. Software terbaik anak bangsa ini dikembangkan di Bandung oleh PT Nuesto Teknologi Indonesia. Software Aplikasi Antrian: AntrianKu versi Free oleh StufiMedia Tinggalkan komentar » AntrianKu Versi Free adalah software untuk antrian yang dapat digunakan secara gratis selama bukan untuk kegiatan komersial (diperjual/belikan). Software Antrian Puskesmas adalah software yang digunakan untuk melakukan manajemen antrian Puskesmas yang professional tertib dan teratur. Alat Survey Kepuasan Pelanggan/masyarakat Tujuan utama penggunaan “Alat Survey Kepuasan Pengunjung” adalah untuk mengetahui pemantauan kepuasan pelanggan/masyarakat, serta mengeta. Software antrian puskesmas gratis. Software antrian Free and Open Source, andal untuk mengelola antrian pelanggan, mengurangi waktu tunggu, meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan memaksimalkan kepuasan customer.
Actually I would be interested to find the answer to this too as I have exactly the same problem. I have a.cue file for the game that isn't recognised by anything as a.cue file.
Does a Castlevania:Rondo of Blood rom exist for the PC Engine emu exist or am I simply searching in vain. All I can seem to find are.rar and sound files. Help me, I'm getting desprate. Castlevania Rondo of Blood VC (with English Patch) Discussion in ' Wii - Hacking ' started by XDel, Feb 21, 2013. By XDel Feb 21, 2013 at 8:57 PM 11,332 Views 0 Likes.
Not sure if its a borked copy or if the formats are screwed somehow? The filesize is correct so I'm presuming its a format rather than content issue. Particularly since I grabbed mine from a very reliable source for everything else. Its worth noting that all the other PCE - CD games I have have the exact same issue so I'm thinking its something we have to do with the files beforehand, as opposed to a problem with the files themselves. I had forgotten all about this after giving up a couple of months ago. You've rekindled my interest in getting it going again now though, so I've got some of my special winged emulation monkeys on the case as we speak. Will report back if I find a fix.
Its worth noting that all the other PCE - CD games I have have the exact same issue so I'm thinking its something we have to do with the files beforehand, as opposed to a problem with the files themselves.I haven't bothered testing all games, but Metamor Jupiter and Castlevania Rondo of blood extracts mountable files. When I looked through the files again I noticed that the 'cue' files contained references to wave files and *not* mp3's. Could this be a clue?
Do we need to convert the MP3's to waves? Could that be it?
Looking more closely I found this info in a text file. Damn, I thought I was going to beat you to the solution. Seem I was a few hours too late. However, I have only tried and solved one game so far and that just happens to be (insert fanfare here) Akumajou Dracula X Chi no Rondo. However, strangely enough the voice during the intro sequence seem to be german.?
The original problem was that Daemon tools couldn't handle MP3's, right? So I converted them (could have used your batch file there) to wave.
However, DTools was still complaining and the problem this time was that the sample rate was too low. So then I had to convert the files to 44.100 Hz (aka CD quality). I used Audacity for all these conversions by the way.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Note: For Winows 8 and Winodws 10 same software Indic Input 3 will be used. Vanavil avvaiyar tamil typing software free download. Instruction to Install Tamil Typing Software Step 1: Download the Tamil Typing Software From Link given Above Step 2: A file will download is a compressed file, extract the file with any zip opener like winzip or other software. For setting in system see help pdf. Step 3: After extracting the file you will find setup file.
After that my cue file, referencing wav files was accepted and the game played just fine in Ootake. Now, I want your batch files. Do you need anything from me? Ok I've managed to fix Dracula X (at least in part). I opened up the.cue with notepad and changed all the.mp3 MP3 entries to.wav WAVE. The game boots now and after some tinkering with the PCE.ini file I can get sound effects too.
Still no CD soundtrack or dialogue though. So I think I have a problem with the way my.ini is setup. When you get a minute would you copy and paste a copy of your PCE.ini file? Edit: I've managed to get it all running ok with Ootake so at least I know my sound files are ok. Now just got to try getting the CD Soundtrack working with Magic Engine.
Edit Again: All sorted now.
Necromancing this thread 'cos holy shiz this is a cool idea, and I can't wait to give it a whirl. I've been wanting to play the original game on a TV with the changes from the PSP version.
Hopefully some of the audio sync issues during cutscenes aren't replicated here. Edit: Dunno if it's the PCE.emu emulator on the Ouya or I goofed slightly on the patching, but the CD audio kind of glitches a little bit: whenever a track is about to play, you'll hear a very abrupt remnant of the previous track.
Dengan melakukan download software antrian gratis ini di Google Play Store. Maka anda bisa menikmati berbagai layanan antrian online dengan mudah lewat sentuhan jari. Software terbaik anak bangsa ini dikembangkan di Bandung oleh PT Nuesto Teknologi Indonesia. Software Aplikasi Antrian: AntrianKu versi Free oleh StufiMedia Tinggalkan komentar » AntrianKu Versi Free adalah software untuk antrian yang dapat digunakan secara gratis selama bukan untuk kegiatan komersial (diperjual/belikan). Software Antrian Puskesmas adalah software yang digunakan untuk melakukan manajemen antrian Puskesmas yang professional tertib dan teratur. Alat Survey Kepuasan Pelanggan/masyarakat Tujuan utama penggunaan “Alat Survey Kepuasan Pengunjung” adalah untuk mengetahui pemantauan kepuasan pelanggan/masyarakat, serta mengeta. Software antrian puskesmas gratis. Software antrian Free and Open Source, andal untuk mengelola antrian pelanggan, mengurangi waktu tunggu, meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan memaksimalkan kepuasan customer.